Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Watch this space and take note of the black T shirt. You
see it again later

Chris having a few too many with grandad and family


Yip it is him....

Kathy's 40th BIRTHDAY!!!!

Take it off.....take it offfffffffff

Who's turn is it tonight??? Alida you choose

Gail and Ian ...not dancing

Hey there grumps....I mean gramps!

David and cousin Joe, who are the kisses for darling???

I believe in miracles..................

So where you from..............................

You sexy thing....(know the tune) full monty!!!
So you think you can nic the camera do you?

Let me guess......................It's very Light????

Ok so this is not me, I am guessing she couldn't
make it

Oh yea baby........I like it!!

Damn isn't there any food around here

Graham and Trudy.....body heat

Don't you look at me like that......

Carol, Graham, Trudy and Alan.....Carol and Alan came down
from Jo'berg for the party.... yip family

And then there were three

Wow it looks great

Check here Chris.....I have lots of fillings

Check Brett, So do I!!!

Do you still have your tonsils?

Now listen here can't take me home tonight!!!


Hey Willy you are not allowed to wee in the water!!!

I'm still standing yea yea yea.......

Kathy's 40 Bash or Crash

So what's this then, I do have more than one chair (two)

Ok for those that can't read:
FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING FUCK!!!! I'll show you the
face later

Look how strong Lynne is......she can even hold Bernie up

Hi Dawn and enough of the speaches......please

Shelly made the best Birthday cake in the world!!! it was so
yummy at 4am

Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Just had to put this on the blog.....

Ernest and Mark at their best!!!

Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Club Night 08 May 2007

AND NOW......We have Vanda, wearing a
designer outfit specially for WCAC....

With the latest designer shoes!!!!!!

So while everyone is listening to prize giving....
The three stooges are where..... outside!!!

You know the story... A picture says a thousand
words!!! well look carefully!!!!!!! can you see it???

Ok Girls now this is how it's done....Look & Learn
First you have the Leopard skin top.....

Then you just have to have the watch.....

And the shoes......

But now look carefully....the belt and the bag.
Now that is how it's done!!!!

Never mind the wine dear....look at my pole!!!

Ok Graham, while your down there......

So how are you going to get out of work on
the 19th??? Rugby??? or Party??? mmmm

Well at least he is eating to soak up all the beers

Can someone tell 4 eyes that it is dark outside?

Check it out....Brett has new shoes!!! He can
even afford the laces now.....

Shhhhh...Listen.......Terry is quiet.....mmmm

Ok Brett, I'm not going to eat your food!!!

Old man Atwell, holding in his tummy for a pic
well I never?????

The "Don" holding up the bar again. The WCAC
bank balance must be looking good!!