Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Comrades Before Party 2009

Give West Coast a venue and they will show you how to Party!!!

With help from Nick and Ronnie they will show you
how to party I should say!!!

Think carefully before you ask Terry to speak,
it could take a while.....

Major party mode

These, the true comrades runners listening to Terry speak.....

Ok so Brett is worse, guys don't you know.... you stop the shouting, screaming, drinking, dancing, music, swimming, laughing etc etc all that just to watch you, listen to yourselves talk..... ok we love it tooooo xxx

Need I say more...Brett with clothes on!!!!

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

The first of many news flashes - look what I found

A new West Coast Member - Jaqueline ...
Don't stress I will find many more of different members xx

Monday, 15 June 2009

A Message from Captain Brett

Before a race, it is very important to be organised
and get a good night's sleep. As Brett was in the packing
business most of his life he knows how to lay a bed out.

Before going to sleep make sure that you have all your kit layed out. This saves time
in the morning and you won't forget to wipe your hands on the face cloth after applying
your vasaline. Make sure your clothes are layed out in order of dressing so as not to
be confused...first the vest, then the t shirt and then the long top- right sock on right shoe etc...
Lessons will be given at the club for beginners - RSVP Brett your Captain.

2009 Pre Comrades Bash

Here we go again, David and I love having West Coast round. I feel sometimes that
we are just one big happy family and hope that when you come to our place, you feel it too.

Runners and Supporters, we all play such an important roll in our club. We are not just
a club!!!!

We are very proud of all our Comrades runners and in the same breath, the runners are
very proud of all the supporters. Hey if we can't be there...the one thing we can do is
drink you through it!!!!

2009 Pre Comrades Party

Terry taking pics of well......

Brett in his ever famous predictable birthday suit

Yes I take bribes...Alida / Lynette will be in contact with Reini as per our agreement for a
substantial raffel for West Coast Club Funds!!!! Thanks for your donation Reini :-)))

This was the before pic and as per our agreement, the after will not be published.....

Nic and Ronnie were the most awesome entertainers ever!!!! See their add on the side
and contact them if anyone is needing a party spicing up. We West Coasters are so fortunate
that we have such wonderful friends. Thank you so much for such a wonderful day Ronnie and Nick xxxxxxx

Sue it's fine, have your cake and eat it...
we won't tell anyone....

Masimo showing us how it is done in Italian while
Chantel shows us the french way - you know what
I mean......parting what did you think???

Lynn never fails when a blow job is needed!!

Don't they look like twins---- well you can't please
everyone so I am more afraid of Lynn :-)

Night watchmen Klaus - someone had to do it

Ok so it was my birthday too but firstly it was
our 2009 Pre Comrades Party

Good food and not a bad cook either

The famous trophey on display...

The supporters were there doing what they do

Realllllly doing what they do best!!!!