Thursday, 3 September 2009

SEPT 2009 TIME TRIAL (for a change)

Everyone...On your marks......Get set...........GOOOOO!!!!
Check there goes wonder he is so fast
Breda taking the new runners for a spin...
Bill taking his own legs for a spin
Jenny back after 5 months break
Reini.....spinning and bonding with Graham
Just to show that we did do the time trial
Graham Mather that is...the idea is to RUN???
Hide as much as you want but we know that head anywhere hehehe
Some of us know how to drive to the start and
Willie comes in when it's still light...
You would never say that Patrick just did Puffer, Daniel close behind
Estiene comes in while there is still daylight
Regina runs like the wind....Oh and boy was the wind blowing!!!
What happened Klaus, you forgot your camera behind???
Nice run Long Piet, I am sure you get that name because
you are soooo tall???
It's a little darker but you can still see Malcom
Trudy is running so fast, her hair is slick...
Hey Phil, watch your back....Xandra and I are going to catch you soooon
Now it's so dark...I bet Brett didn't think of us when he said that
we should start at 6pm
Xandra what does that mean??? You are lucky I didn't put you on top!!!
We know it's Sue, we can see it in her hand again