Monday, 18 January 2010

Thank goodness we had a few sober girls

Hey check everyone....this is the new me

Anyone need a baby sitter?? Just call David on 08........

There was some time for serious conversation but not much

There was also time for "macking"

watch girls, I can open my mouth this wide

but I don't need it so wide......

The 2009 Year End Braai was a wonderful event

Lots of wonderful friends

A time for family bonding

bla bla bla.....we just got pissed!!!!

And more Pissheeed!!!

Looking for men in wierd places????

Keeping us appearances

Pretending like we know what we are talking about......

And this is just for

Love makes their world go round....anyone want to join in???

2009 Year End Braai

Xandra, what are you looking for....

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

The young and the old support the cause....drinking

Shelley still waiting and rearing to go

These are the wasn't a real race guys...

The Life Savers Joined in the fun, just to see what fun is about????

Xandra checking out the dop, yip there should be enough when
you bring the rest out from the back 400 drinks in total!!

Hey there Flippie!!!!

We even had running on wheels...better than Daisy and Neville I'd say!!

Now it really looks like Daisy and Neville are going to run...


They got a lift to the Keg!!!!!*%$&

And just no SKAAM!!!!!!

Breda our very own Iron Lady mmmm

Brenda and Dave.....bonding....????

As for these two...Daisy and Neville, you really look like
you are going to run....but.....

On your marks, get set.....go Gary

Awesome group, I just didn't know 80% of them???

Terry with Vand and Brett playing out their fantasy he he

Sally calling 911...Help were about to start come fetch us PLEASE!!!!

Here's looking at you babe....

A wonderful turn out at the 2009 Pub Run

All welcome from young ie 18 years of age to......sorry Phil

Kevin looking for.....

Found her!!!! Orette

Ok it's safe now one is watching :-)

October Awards 2009

Thank you Sue for all your hard work, here with a present of bovril ......oh damn you hate the stuff!!!